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1999 Albrecht, J. (1999). Environmental Agreements and Sectorial Performance: Cases of the CFC Phase-out and the US Toxic Release Inventory.CAVA Working Paper n° 98/11/11, January 1999. download here
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1999 Albrecht, J. (1999). Policy Instruments and Incentives for Environmental R&D : a Market-Driven Approach , Nota di Lavoro 17.99, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Milan), March 1999. (electronic version available at FEEM)
1999 Albrecht, J. (1999). Environmental Regulation and International Competitiveness, in : Dahiya, S.B. (Ed.), The Current State of Economic Science, Vol.3 (Part 6 : International Economics).
1999 Albrecht, J. (1999). Environmental Regulation and International Competitiveness, in: International Journal of development Planning Literature, Vol.14, No.2, April-June 1999.
1998 Albrecht, J. en De Clercq, M. (1998). ‘Milieu en Competitiviteit’, Energie & Milieu 14 (3), Mei-Juni 1998, pp.143-146. download here
1998 Albrecht, J. (1998). Environmental Consumer Subsidies and Potential Reductions of CO2 Emissions. Working Paper 98/59, October 1998. download here
1998 Albrecht, J. (1998). Environmental Policy and the Inward Investment Position of US ‘Dirty’ Industries, in: Intereconomics, Vol.33 (4), July/August 1998, pp.186-194.
1998 Albrecht, J. (1998). Environmental Regulation, Comparative Advantage and the Porter Hypothesis, Nota di Lavoro 59.98, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Milan), September 1998
1998 Albrecht, J. (1998). ‘Green Policies ; from Ecotaxes to Extended Producer Responsibility’, in : Instrumenten voor een Beleid gericht op Duurzame Ontwikkeling, Proceedings of the DWTC Workshop, 1998, 65 p.
1998 Pots T., Senesael F. en De Clercq M. (1998), Promotion and Diffusion of the EU Eco-label in Italy and the Benelux, 124 p. download here
1998 De Clercq M., Seyad A. en Baeke S., Success determining factors for negotiated agreements: a comparative case study of the Belgian electricity suply industry and the packaging sector, in Glasbergen, P., (e.a.), Environmental Agreements, public-private co-operation as a policy strategy (Kluwer, Academic Press, 1998).
1998 De Clercq M., Seyad A. en Baeke S., Vrijwillige inzameling en recyclage van verpakkingsafval in België, in Lulofs, K.R.D., Schrama, G. (red) 1997, Ketenbeheer, CSTM Jaarboek 1998, Enschede, Twente University Press, 274p.
1997 De Clercq M., Seyad A. en Baeke S. (1997), Regulating Packaging Waste: the Belgian case, 25 p.
1997 De Clercq M., Seyad A. en Baeke S. (1997), Transport of hazardous waste: the Belgian case , 22 p.
1997 De Clercq M., Franck A., Pots T., Borgo E., De Mol J. en Doom R. (1997), Afval- en emissiepreventie binnen bedrijfsinterne milieuzorg, Universiteit Gent, Vakgroep Algemene Economie, 221p. download summary in PDF here
1996 De Clercq M., Franck A., Vandendriessche A.-S., Borgo E. (1996), Afval- en emissiepreventie binnen het PROSA-project, 55 p.
1996 De Clercq M., Senesael F., Faché P., Buyle I., Cocriamont F., Verhelst K. en De Mulder F. (1996), Afvalverwerking in Oost-Vlaanderen: Eindrapport, Vakgroep Algemene Economie en Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Gent, 94 p.
1996 Milieubeleidsovereenkomst als instrument van milieubeleid : bespreking + stand van zaken voor België (Vlaanderen),in Energie & Milieu, maart-april 1996, pp. 95-102.
1996 De Clercq M. en Senesael F. (1996), Afvalverwerking in de Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen: Afvalstoffen-scenario uitgaande van de actuele situatie, (opdrachtgever Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen), Vakgroep Algemene Economie, Universiteit Gent, 94 p.
1996 The Implementation of Green Product Taxes. The Belgian Experience, in : European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Environmental Taxes and Changes. National Experiences and Plans, Luxemburg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996, pp. 45-66. download PDF here
1996 The political Economy of Green Taxes : The Belgian Experience, in : Environmental and Resource Economics, 1996, nr. 8, pp. 273-291. download PDF here
1996 The Dynamics of Interaction between Industry and Politics. The Introduction of Ecotaxes in Belgium, in Business Strategy and the Environment, 1996, Vol. 5, nr. 3, pp. 207-215.
1995 De Clercq M., Senesael F. en Seyad A. (1995), Milieu-instrumenten van de Europese Unie en hun effect op verpakkingen, 19 p.
1995 De Clercq M., Senesael F. en Seyad A. (1995), De ‘Milieubeheer- en Milieuauditsysteem’-Verordening Nr. 1836/93 van de Raad van 29 juni 1993, 18 p.
1995 Koning Boudewijnstichting. Milieubalansen : nut en beperkingen van een overleg- en beslissingsondersteunend middel, Brussel, 1995, 221 pp. (Woord vooraf en Algemene Editor).
1995 Economie Toegelicht. Uitg. Garant, Leuven,5de druk, 1995, 561 p.
1995 Institutional Dynamics in the EC, in Research in Global Strategy Management, 1995, Vol. V, pp. 199-226..