[1] [2] [3] [4]
2010 | Bleys, B.. Voorbij het BBP: hoe vooruitgang meten? OIKOS (BRUSSEL). p.66-75 |
2010 | Bleys, B.. Voorbij het BBP: alternatieve indicatoren voor welzijn Social profit jaarboek : Vlaanderen 2010 - 2011. p.147-151 |
2009 | De Energietransitie. Sneller naar een groener systeem? (ASP, Academic & Scientific Publishers, Brussel), ISBN 978 90 548 76199, 240 p. |
2009 | Transition énergétique: plus vite vers un système plus vert? ASP, Academic & Scientific Publishers, Brussel), ISBN 978 90 5487 665 6, 252 p. |
2009 | D’haeseleer, W., Albrecht, J. et al. PRIMES scenario analysis towards 2030 for Belgium. European Review of Energy Markets 3(1) April, 191-260 |
2008 | Bracke, R., Verbeke, T., Dejonckheere, V. (2008). What Determines the Decision to Implement EMAS? A European Firm Level Study. Environmental & Resource Economics, 41(4), 499-518. |
2008 | Albrecht, J. (2008). Verhandelbare emissierechten in het klimaatbeleid: de Europese ervaring. Documentatieblad Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën, Jaargang 68, nr.1, 181-196 |
2008 | Albrecht, J. (2008). Ook de economie evolueert, Open. Liberaal Thematisch Opinieblad, Nr.3, November, 25-30 |
2007 | Albrecht, J. (2007). Klimaatrelativisme (Acco, Leuven), ISBN 978 90 334 66069, 168 p. |
2007 | Correljé, A., François, D., Massarutto, A., 2007. Economic implications of water scenarios. In: Finger, M., Allouche, J., Luís-Manso, P. (Eds.). Water and liberalisation. European water scenarios. IWA Publishing, London, UK, pp 142-166. |
2007 | Correljé, A., François, D., Verbeke, T. . Integrating water management and principles of policy: Towards an EU framework? Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(16), 1499-1506. |
2007 | Gosselin, D. P., Leysen, J., Verbeke, T., Protecting a nation's economic potential: proposal for a scientific research agenda. European Journal of Intelligence Studies, 1(1), 3-21. |
2007 | Verbeke, T. (2007). De Milieu-Kuznets curve voor SO2 en CO2 in België en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Ecologische Geschiedenis. Vol. 10. pp. 105-125 |
2007 | Brache, R. and Albrecht, J. Competing environmental management standards: how ISO 14001 outnumbered EMAS in Germany, the UK, France and Sweden. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy Vol. 25 (4) 611 - 627 [impact factor 2006: 0.652] |
2007 | Albrecht, J. (2007) The future role of photovoltaics. A learning curve versus portfolio perspective. Energy Policy Vol.35 (4), April 2007; 2296-2304 [impact factor 2006 : 1.362] |
2006 | Albrecht, J. Green tax reforms for industrial transformation: overcoming institutional inertia with consumption taxes. Sustainable Development Vol. 14, 300-311 [impact factor 2004 : 0.409] |
2006 | M. Neyt and Albrecht, J. (2006). The long-term evolution of quality of life for disease-free breast cancer survivors: a comparative study in Belgium. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Vol.24(3-5), 898-123 [impact factor 2004: 0.784] |
2006 | M. Neyt, Albrecht, J. and V. Cocquyt. An economic evaluation of Herceptin in adjuvant setting: the Breast Cancer Indernational Research Group, 2006 trail. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 17(3), 381-390 [impact factor 2005 : 4.335 - total cities 9992 - immediacy index: 1.089] |
2006 | Albrecht, J., Verbeke, T. and De Clercq,M. (2006). Informational efficiency of the US SO2 permit market. Environmnetal Modeling & Software, Vol. 21, 1471-1478 [impact factor 2006 : 1.991] |
2006 | Albrecht, J., The use of consumption taxes to re-launch green tax reforms. International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 26(1), 83-103 [impact factor 2005 : 0.508] |
2005 | Albrecht, J. (2005) Climate policy convergence in Europe. An assessment based on national communications to the UNFCCC, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol XII (5), pp. 885-902. |
2005 | Albrecht, J. (2005) Verantwoord ondernemen tussen externe kosten en overheidsfalen, in: Dentchev, N., Heene, A., Herkströter, C., de Graaf, F., Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen pragmatisch bekeken (Academia Press), pp. 67-78. |