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2010 Bleys, B.. Voorbij het BBP: hoe vooruitgang meten? OIKOS (BRUSSEL). p.66-75
2010 Bleys, B.. Voorbij het BBP: alternatieve indicatoren voor welzijn Social profit jaarboek : Vlaanderen 2010 - 2011. p.147-151
2009 De Energietransitie. Sneller naar een groener systeem? (ASP, Academic & Scientific  Publishers, Brussel), ISBN 978 90 548 76199, 240 p.
2009 Transition énergétique: plus vite vers un système plus vert? ASP, Academic & Scientific  Publishers, Brussel), ISBN 978 90 5487 665 6, 252 p.
2009 D’haeseleer, W., Albrecht, J. et al. PRIMES scenario analysis towards 2030 for Belgium. European Review of Energy Markets 3(1) April, 191-260
2008 Bracke, R., Verbeke, T., Dejonckheere, V. (2008). What Determines the Decision to Implement EMAS? A European Firm Level Study. Environmental & Resource Economics, 41(4), 499-518.
2008 Albrecht, J. (2008). Verhandelbare emissierechten in het klimaatbeleid: de Europese ervaring. Documentatieblad Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën, Jaargang 68, nr.1, 181-196

2008 Albrecht, J. (2008). Ook de economie evolueert, Open. Liberaal Thematisch Opinieblad, Nr.3, November, 25-30
2007 Albrecht, J. (2007). Klimaatrelativisme (Acco, Leuven), ISBN 978 90 334 66069, 168 p.

2007 Correljé, A., François, D., Massarutto, A., 2007. Economic implications of water scenarios. In: Finger, M., Allouche, J., Luís-Manso, P. (Eds.). Water and liberalisation. European water scenarios. IWA Publishing, London, UK, pp 142-166.
2007 Correljé, A., François, D., Verbeke, T. . Integrating water management and principles of policy: Towards an EU framework? Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(16), 1499-1506.
2007 Gosselin, D. P., Leysen, J., Verbeke, T., Protecting a nation's economic potential: proposal for a scientific research agenda.
European Journal of Intelligence Studies, 1(1), 3-21.
2007 Verbeke, T. (2007). De Milieu-Kuznets curve voor SO2 en CO2 in België en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Ecologische Geschiedenis. Vol. 10. pp. 105-125
2007 Brache, R. and Albrecht, J. Competing environmental management standards: how ISO 14001 outnumbered EMAS in Germany, the UK, France and Sweden. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy Vol. 25 (4) 611 - 627 [impact factor 2006: 0.652]
2007 Albrecht, J. (2007) The future role of photovoltaics. A learning curve versus portfolio perspective. Energy Policy Vol.35 (4), April 2007; 2296-2304 [impact factor 2006 : 1.362]
2006 Albrecht, J. Green tax reforms for industrial transformation: overcoming institutional inertia with consumption taxes. Sustainable Development Vol. 14, 300-311 [impact factor 2004 : 0.409]
2006 M. Neyt and Albrecht, J. (2006). The long-term evolution of quality of life for disease-free breast cancer survivors: a comparative study in Belgium. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Vol.24(3-5), 898-123 [impact factor 2004: 0.784]
2006 M. Neyt, Albrecht, J. and V. Cocquyt. An economic evaluation of Herceptin in adjuvant setting: the Breast Cancer Indernational Research Group, 2006 trail. Annals of Oncology, Vol. 17(3), 381-390 [impact factor 2005 : 4.335 - total cities 9992 - immediacy index: 1.089]
2006 Albrecht, J., Verbeke, T. and De Clercq,M. (2006). Informational efficiency of the US SO2 permit market. Environmnetal Modeling & Software, Vol. 21, 1471-1478 [impact factor 2006 : 1.991]
2006 Albrecht, J., The use of consumption taxes to re-launch green tax reforms. International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 26(1), 83-103 [impact factor 2005 : 0.508]
2005 Albrecht, J. (2005) Climate policy convergence in Europe. An assessment based on national communications to the UNFCCC, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol XII (5), pp. 885-902.
2005 Albrecht, J. (2005) Verantwoord ondernemen tussen externe kosten en overheidsfalen, in: Dentchev, N., Heene, A., Herkströter, C., de Graaf, F., Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen pragmatisch bekeken (Academia Press), pp. 67-78.